Board members and integrated reporting : the position of the French Directors Association

One of the key functions of the Board of Directors is to define a strategy that creates shareholder value. 

For the French Institute of Directors (IFA), "integrated thinking" and "integrated reporting" are an inherent part of this function. The former is used to build the company's long-term vision, while the second aims to communicate clearly this vision to the financial market.

Initial experiments in France have produced interesting and promising results. However, the content of the resulting reports is still far from perfect, particularly from the investor's perspective.

Since there is still no real consensus on what should be an integrated report (see the diversity of the reports on the IIRC website), IFA has decided to convene a working group to identify its advantages, analyse ongoing experiments, and issue recommendations to its members on how boards should be involved.

The IFA position paper has been presented on June 30, 2017 and an English version can be downloaded here : Integrated report and Board _ IFA_ 2017.

La version Francaise est téléchargeable gratuitement sur le site de l'IFA pour ses adhérents 🙂

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